Our agency has changed, new brand, new website

Like many businesses today we have evolved and adapted. We have listened to our clients, kept a watchful eye on the competition and dug deep to unravel what we love doing and what we do best.

In 2007, we changed our name from Vision Design to VGROUP: a group of specialists working across four key disciplines – Marketing, Branding, Design and Interactive. Today, we are still about integration but centred more around business and BRAND, because everything flows from brand…

…we research, define and align business strategy, values and positioning to brand strategy, identity and communications. It’s been at the heart of our business for many years, so we wanted to focus our offer and take some of our own medicine – never easy, but sometimes essential for good health!

WATCH OUR FILM:  HOW DO BRANDS BUILD BUSINESSES? (Go full-screen and turn up the sound for the best experience)

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Read on for the story behind our new website…

Having decided to reposition our business, creating a new website was an integral part of the challenge. We started looking at the analytics of our current site, tracking where people clicked and how long they stayed in a bid to create a new site that would convey the full breadth of what we do to the outside world in an engaging way.


We minimised the site architecture to focus on our work and show it full-screen, after all, every brand we transform is special and unique, so why not show it off in all it’s glory? One feature that you may find of interest is the ability to view ‘before’ and ‘after’ transformations of the logos and websites we’ve created.


Once again, practicing what we preach, the new website is fully responsive. In case you are not familiar with the term, ‘Responsive Web Design’ is an approach to design and development where a site responds to the device it’s being viewed upon. This delivers an optimum user experience no matter what the user’s screen size, orientation or device, so we hope you enjoy viewing it no matter where you are in the world or how you engage with it.

We’ve had positive comments on the quality of content in our blog, something that’s been steadily evolving since our old site was launched in October 2007, but as time flies we have only migrated content from 2010 onwards.  However, do keep coming back for more news on the latest projects, insights and inspiration in the future, and if you’d like to discuss your brand and communications contact richard.maennling@vgroup.com or call 020 7734 8855 – it would be great to hear from you!